Inspired by Bach's Cello Suite in G major, young people experiment with action painting.

Experimenting with Action Painting

Inspired by Bach’s Cello Suite in G Major, youth at the SBW House of Learning continue to experiment with action painting. The project is a cooperation between the SBW and the J. S. Bach Foundation St. Gallen within the framework of the Appenzell Bach Days.

Bach’s world of images

At this year’s Appenzell Bach Days everything revolves around „Bach’s world of images“. Young people also express their views on Bach’s legacy. Action painting is only one part of an artistic performance. A whole series of artistic performances will be presented by learners, carrying forward the composer’s music. Pupils spend half a year studying Bach’s music, supported intensively by curator Matthias Flückiger. At the Appenzell Bach Days they present their „Bach Pictures“. With their own perspective, they not only inspire the audience, but also allow Bach’s musical heritage to blossom again in a new way. The Appenzell Bach Days will take place for the third time this August in St. Gallen and the neighbouring Appenzell region. The emphasis is deliberately placed on a comprehensive, untypical examination of Bach’s musical heritage and on enabling visitors to have an individual perception of the composer J. S. Bach. The Appenzell Bach Days can draw on a wealth of experience: for more than ten years, a Bach cantata has been performed every month under the direction of Rudolf Lutz. The J. S. Bach Foundation, initiator of the Bach Festival, will be performing the complete vocal works of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) until around 2030.

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