BACH FACTORY on BWV 191 “Gloria in excelsis Deo”

BACH FACTORY on BWV 191 "Gloria in excelsis Deo"

The “Bach Factory” is a video series by the J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen that gives you interesting insights into Bach’s cantatas – including exclusive excerpts from their live performance.

Johann Sebastian Bach’s BWV 191 «Gloria in excelsis Deo» is a cantata written for the 1st day of Christmas. But is it actually a “cantata” at all, or is it – as Xoán Castiñeira puts it – an “avatar cantata”? In this episode of Bach Factory, Xoán and Rudolf explore this question by giving us an insight into the interesting way in which the piece came to be – it was built out of the pieces of a mass. Which one? Let’s find out more about it!

The concert recording, introductory workshop and reflective lecture (in German) are available at Bachipedia.

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