Chaconne in D minor for solo violin by Johann Sebastian Bach
World heritage music — commentary and arrangements
Important note
After analysing the parameters key to our operations, we came to the difficult but clear conclusion to cancel our regular concert performances for the whole of 2020. Throughout this year, we will keep in touch with you via monthly live-streaming events.
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Our ongoing administrative work, streaming recordings and preparations for a return to regular concerts in 2021 remain a considerable financial commitment, at a time when our income is limited. This is why we are urgently asking our patrons and friends to continue supporting us at this difficult time. Find out more
No cantata performance is now possible.
but we'll stream anyway!
Chaconne in D minor for solo violin by Johann Sebastian Bach
World heritage music — commentary and arrangements
6:45 P.M.
Opening welcome by Rudolf Lutz and Xoán Castiñeira
7:00 until 8:00 P.M.
Concert and commentary on Bach's Chaconne by Rudolf Lutz at the keyboard and organ — world premiere of Rudolf Lutz’s organ arrangement
Concert location
Stein (AR) // Evangelische Kirche
BWV 183 «Sie werden euch in den Bann tun»
1. Rezitativ ‒ Bass
«Sie werden euch in den Bann tun, es kömmt aber die Zeit, daß, wer euch tötet, wird meinen, er tue Gott einen Dienst daran.»
2. Arie ‒ Tenor
Ich fürchte nicht des Todes Schrecken,
ich scheue ganz kein Ungemach.
Denn Jesus’ Schutzarm wird mich decken,
ich folge gern und willig nach;
wollt ihr nicht meines Lebens schonen
und glaubt, Gott einen Dienst zu tun,
er soll euch selben noch belohnen,
wohlan, es mag dabei beruhn.
3. Rezitativ ‒ Alt
Ich bin bereit, mein Blut und armes Leben
vor dich, mein Heiland, hinzugeben,
mein ganzer Mensch soll dir gewidmet sein;
ich tröste mich, dein Geist wird bei mir stehen,
gesetzt, es sollte mir vielleicht zu viel geschehen.
4. Arie ‒ Sopran
Höchster Tröster, Heilger Geist,
der du mir die Wege weist,
darauf ich wandeln soll,
hilf meine Schwachheit mit vertreten,
denn von mir selber kann ich nicht beten,
ich weiß, du sorgest vor mein Wohl!
5. Choral
Du bist ein Geist, der lehret,
wie man recht beten soll;
dein Beten wird erhöret,
dein Singen klinget wohl.
Es steigt zum Himmel an,
es steigt und läßt nicht abe,
bis der geholfen habe,
der allein helfen kann.
Bach’s famous “Ciaccona”, the last movement of his Partita BWV 1004, is a composition of such profundity and enduring genius that it remains a source of fascination for both violinists and composers to this day. In the 300 years since its composition, the Chaconne has seen innumerous reworkings and arrangements — including transcriptions for piano and organ by Rudolf Lutz. In this concert programme, Rudolf Lutz analyses Bach’s masterpiece and comments on a selection of well-known arrangements. The original composition will also be interpreted by violinist Amandine Beyer, who performed the work for us in 2014 as a musical “reflective lecture” on cantata BWV 9 (Es ist das Heil uns kommen her). As the highlight of the programme, Rudolf Lutz will perform – in improvisational style – the world premiere of his own organ transcription of Bach’s Chaconne.
Corrigendum: Johannes Lang plays a slightly modified Dupré version of the Sinfonia of BWV 29, not a transcription of his own.
Rudolf Lutz
Rudolf Lutz is not only a highly-regarded pedagogue who is able to explain complex compositional concepts in an accessible way, but also one of the world’s most renowned improvisors. He will present his live streams in English in order to best serve our large internet community.
Kuhn organ
The church of Stein AR has a very valuable instrument built by Orgelbau Kuhn AG in 1985. We love to hold organ recitals there, and many visitors of the "Appenzeller Bachtage" know the beautiful church because of "Singen in der Früh", the popular sing-along programme in our festival in August.

Other live-streaming events
- 23 August 2020, 09.45 — Sunday service, with vocal quartet, live from the church in Teufen, Switzerland.
- 18 September 2020, 18.45 — "Duel": Angela Hewitt and Ruedi Lutz at the piano
- 23 October 2020, 18.45
- 20 November 2020, 18.45
- 18 December 2020, 18.45
Cantata performances of the J.S. Bach Foundation
Our cantata performances have been postponed until the end of the Covid crisis. We hope to resume our concert activities in January 2021.
Live streaming archive
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streaming live from the Protestant church in Trogen, Switzerland